Top Quality Hand Grafted securely bonded undetectable Men’s Toupees at The Hair Clinic Montreal
Secure & Undetectable Men’s Toupees

“Toupees”. The very word is enough to strike terror into the hearts of balding men. We associate toupees with tasteless jokes in comedies, questionable uncles with hairpieces you can see a mile away, and embarrassed guys whose hair flies off when they get into a convertible. Urban Dictionary defines toupees as “mysterious, furry mammals that reside on the heads of aging, bald men”. With a definition like that, no wonder toupees have a bad reputation!
Toupees have an image problem, and today, it’s a totally unjustified one. Modern day toupees are state-of-the-art masterpieces, made with a modern approach for the modern man. First of all, they’re undetectable, nothing like the heavy, ugly rugs that you’re thinking of. Furthermore, once bonded, they certainly can’t be moved or lifted by a gust of wind, gravity or even someone’s caressing (or less so) hand. These babies stay put! After all, a rugged, adventurous man can’t be bothered with worrying about his hair when he’s got more interesting things to do.
So let’s start over: What are toupees? They are the same as hairpieces, or, in more modern terms, hair replacement systems. toupees are perfectly fitted customized stock or custom-made hair replacement units designed for male pattern baldness. Wearing a toupee does not require any surgical procedures and it is quite pain & risk- free. More importantly, it will NOT look fake and it will NOT fall off, whether you’re caught in a thunderstorm, surfing, skiing or just driving around in a convertible.
Male pattern baldness is something that every man dreads while hoping that it’s something that only happens to other people. But don’t just resign yourself to thinning hair. We live in a modern world that’s actually full of solutions and possibilities! One of the most commonly chosen solutions to hair loss is a toupee. Why? They’re fairly affordable, especially when compared to hair transplants and they’re convenient. But careful: if you choose the wrong toupee, you will wind up attracting even more attention to your balding problem. The right toupee is virtually indistinguishable from your natural hair… but the wrong one will look ridiculous.
There are a few guidelines to follow. Choose top quality human hair. That’s essential for the toupee to blend in seamlessly with your hair. Natural human hair has an excellent chance of blending in, making it well worth the extra cost. The Hair Clinic uses 100% Human Remy Hair for their toupees! Another very important point to consider is how your toupee is manufactured.
Many companies make their toupees using machines, because it’s quicker and inexpensive. However, the results are truly deplorable! You end up with a dense, ratty-looking toupee that looks more like a dead animal than anybody’s hair. At the Hair Clinic, all our toupees are entirely handmade, and the hair is attached to the base one by one, ensuring that you can style it any way you want.
With a hand made toupee, you won’t have to worry about a breeze or a rainfall giving away the fact that the gorgeous hair you’re sporting proudly is not your own. Remember, at the end of the day, a toupee is supposed to increase your confidence, not make you loose it! Lastly, it’s essential to match your hair color properly and have a toupee that’s precisely molded & shaped to properly cover the thinning or balding area of your scalp.
Many men are so wrapped up in getting their bald spot covered as quickly as possible that they forget to consider details like fit. That’s why an experienced team is important. We’ll remind you to consider all the facets and advise you on what base and type of hair will work best for your lifestyle.
Our toupees can be customized down to the smallest details. With your help, we will carefully select the characteristics: hair density, color, and texture, as well as the kind of base your toupee will have. Our specialists are highly trained in every facet of toupee production. The Hair Clinic is committed to the science of custom hairpiece development.
A toupee should hide your bald spot, not call attention to it. Choosing the right place for the job is one of the most important decisions you will take when it comes to hair replacement! The Hair Clinic and its highly trained team of professionals has satisfied hundreds of men.
In the end, buying a toupee that is so realistic you yourself will forget it’s not your natural hair isn’t rocket science. It just takes a little care, consideration, and attention to detail.
Cutting Edge Technology in Toupees

The Hair Clinic carries a full range of top quality Men’s Toupees. The Hair Clinic also creates extremely natural custom made toupees utilizing the finest sheerest materials, hand-grafted one hair at a time with 100% Indo-European Remy Human Hair.
All of our toupees are perfectly molded to the balding area of your scalp. As with all our hair replacement units, your hair is matched for length, color, texture & wave. The hair is hand-grafted, one hair at a time to follow the angle, pattern and direction of implantation of your own hair.

The Hair Clinic is also proud to offer a unique type of toupee called the Non-Surgical Graft. This revolutionary new method also involves grafting 100% Human Hair, one hair at a time into “follicles” on a micro-thin, ultra sheer polymer “skin”. This micro-porous new “skin” is then bonded to your scalp.
All Hair Clinic toupees are fully watertight, permitting swimming & showering.

Having all of this high technology at our fingertips is not enough to get you looking your best. The Hair Clinic difference is our expertise in combining all of these high tech features with the artistry of a master craftsman in order to yield exceptionally natural toupees. All the technology is useless unless applied and adapted by the experienced artist`s hand. The tiniest of adjustments of any of the myriad of variables can make the difference between your looking like a stud or a dud.

Certain custom toupee designs will yield a better result than other for any particular person. The desired final hairstyle must be taken into consideration when evaluating the design of the custom toupee.
There is of course an optimal design for each front hairline of each toupee, that is different in shape & direction for each individual person. The hairline is designed considering the shape of your forehead, the strength of your eyebrows to ensure optimal framing of the eyes. This may indeed differ slightly from you former hairline as we seek to make your eyes and your personality shine through.
The modern toupee completes your look but never steals attention from the real you. It only complements your look allowing you go forth with confidence facing all the joys and challenges each day has to offer.
Get started right now! Call us to book your free consultation and find out why you should choose The Hair Clinic your source for custom hairpieces, toupees and hair replacement systems.

Hot Hair is so Cool but so is a $100 Discount Coupon on your first non-surgical Hair Restoration system for men from The Montreal Hair Replacement Center at The Hair Clinic on Crescent Street. We virtually give you back your hair !
During your appointment, you’ll get to meet a guy sporting one of our extraordinary Fusion Bonded Hair Replacement Units. You’ll be able to see, touch & feel for yourself how amazingly natural & totally undetectable The Montreal Hair Clinic’s Non Surgical Hair Systems for Men truly are.
You’ll also be able to feel the guy’s head & realize that there’s virtually nothing you can feel to give it away. A testimonial to the extraordinary quality of our hair replacement units, to the excellent execution in matching the client’s hair, to the perfect integration into the client’s hair as well as to the exquisitely natural front hairline of The Hair Clinic’s Non Surgical Hair Replacement Systems for Men .
Call 514.848.6185 for your free, absolutely no obligation, laid back hair consultation, & see for yourself what hair perfection looks like!